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People Always Ask: What is Mindfulness (and why does it matter?)
Join Chantelle Doswell, LCSW as she discusses what mindfulness is, how to do it, and why it even matters?
People Always Ask: How to Leave A Bad Job
Chantelle Doswell, LCSW, Discusses how to figure out if your job is toxic and how to leave a job when you figure out it is!
People Always Ask: How to Find Your Authentic Self
Join liberation focused therapist, Chantelle Doswell, LCSW as she discusses this week's common question: how do I find my authentic self?...
People Always Ask: How to Find a Therapist
The first of my YouTube Series on YoungBossMedia, "People Always Ask"...tune in live Thursdays at 7:30 to join the conversation. You ever...
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